Causes of Auto Lock Problems and How to Overcome It
Auto-Lock is one of the important features available to support your practicality while driving. If you have a car with a smart key, you usually already have that function.
However, things don't always go smoothly because there are times when your car's auto-lock has a problem. As a result, you can't lock the vehicle's door automatically. But don't worry, we will talk about the causes and solutions here.
These Are The Causes Of Problems In Car's Auto-Lock
The auto-lock feature runs through the automatic control of the ECU (Electronic Computer Unit). However, the problem is not always in the electrical sector even though the fact is that auto-lock does use electrical components. Several other mechanical problems can cause the auto-lock to become stuck or unable to operate normally.
One of the causes often occurs is the driver who often opens the lock from the manual lever. Why do problems happen? Due to the automatic and manual locking function are connected to each other via wire alternating.
So, when you open the lever manually, it could damage the operation. In this case, the automatic function will be forced to push the alternating wire to the motor even if the motor is not moving—repetitive processes like this cause the alternating wire to wear out and even break.
But wait, that's not the only reason that auto-locks don't work. Another factor is that the motor does not work due to broken cables or dirty motor axles. Or when an error occurs in the car computer system.